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Gift Bags and Wrapping Paper

Fly through the sky with mermaids and unicorns, walk through drifts of flower blossom. Chase rainbows or follow the call of the disco ball! Sparkling Gift Packaging the likes of which has never been seen before. For special occasions and very special people!

Gift Bags : Stunningly unique designs in a variety of shapes and sizes. Immersing ourselves in a magical universe of mermaids, unicorns & stardust. Also drawing on the ever glamorous spirit of the discotheque to wonderous effect. 
Each design is carefully finished with sparkling coloured flitter and made with grosgrain handles. Each bag comes complete with an attached gift tag on the handle. Elegant gift packaging with a playful twist!

Gift Wrap : Printed (here in the UK) onto beautiful off white matt paper. All sheets get a champagne gold flitter finish and yet still loves good old cellotape* ~ unique designs for every discerning gift wrapper. Each sheet is 70cm x 50cm; 3 sheets per pack.